Sunday, December 16, 2007


My sister and I have never been super close. After today I don't think we will ever be close again.
Or for that matter have relationship of any kind. We got in a huge fight at my folks today screaming,calling names and her hitting me. Yes I know have a swollen eye from my little sister hitting me twice while my baby was in my arms.

I don't think there is any hope for us. That could just be the hurt and anger talking at the moment.


Ryan said...

Are we going to be treated with photo documented evidence of said shiner?

I sure wish I had blackmail photo's on my brother now for all those times we got in a fight in the past... don't underestimate the power of blackmail, you can get REALLY nice Christmas presents that way.

Shalisa said...


Sorry Sara! How sad. I do hope there can be reconciliation. But...what a bummer.
