Thursday, June 26, 2008

weekend plans

We were going to head to Shelton Ryan's Birthday. Sadly Intel and the chicken pox's changed our plan's. A part Brian is working on is coming in tonight. So this means he will be working Saturday. I could go to Shelton on my own but um Nolan has pox's. This makes traveling to visit a little hard. Shalisa would love for miss Maddie to get the pox's its just a matter of the other parents.
So instead Nolan is going to have a pox party at our house. The invite list is mostly kids from our play group along with their friends.

We will be heading up to Shelton the 5th of July. I hope to see Kristi and the boy's while were are there.


bazanna said...

garrrrgh i got your msg, and i'm sorry but the kids won't stop pinching each other and screaming long enough for me to call you back..... *sigh*

anyway, sorry about the pox, we unfortunately got the vax, so another *sigh* but i do happen to know you can send them through the mail to your friend! yes, you can....

anyway. i thought you meant die and i was like, yes, i want to die soon from this heat and all the screaming and........

anyway. dyes are at the nursery, in a box. LMK when you want them out and we'll get 'em out. preferably not before the 4th? or if you did want to do something for the 4th, make it after tuesday. like wednesday. LOL ;)

kristi said...

I have to admit I'm pretty jealous about the chicken pox. But I am sorry for you too, I'm sure it's hard to have such a little guy with them. I hope my boys get them when they are around 4. For some reason that seems like the perfect age! :)

Unknown said...

things went really well Nolan was a touch crabbier. Other then that wouldn't really know he was sick.