Saturday, December 13, 2008


So say you had the chance to move for a year or two. Where would you go?
I would love to live somewhere other then Oregon for a short time. Brian knows this about me sadly I don't think it will happen. Work could move us but that is very very slim to none chance.

I don't know where I would want to move. M aybe the eastcoast Maine, Road Island any where would be fine.


Sarah said...

I would move somewhere warm and dry. Like Arizona ... too bad I have to go somewhere somewhat warm and moist. Oh well, life is weird, maybe we'll both end up in Missouri one day. LOL

Jamie said...

Kentucky? I want to move to Nashville, I LOVE it there. I would also like Atlanta...I think. I know that I never want to live in Ohio, Seattle, Idaho, Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa, or Indiana.