Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I sort of miss buying school supplies. Stores are stocking up for the up coming school year. I loved getting new paper and crayons as a child.

Lets see not much else going on right now. Sunday the Smith family stoped by on there back home. I had a nice time visiting with them sadly it was much too short.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I should be in bed

Having Brian in summer school is really taking a toll on me. I feel like he is not home even when he is. Right now Brian and Nolan are sleeping something I should be doing. I will head to bed in a few moments I just needed some down time.

Nolan's sleeping has gotten worst it is taking hours to get him to sleep. So the last few nights I have taken to just having him sleep with us. I don't sleep as well this way but, I'm not fighting a baby all night to get him to sleep.

In the last few days Nolan has become anti baby carrier. this makes things a little more trouble some.

Bear our cat has become more needy since we brought Nolan home. We lavish love on him he should not be wonting. Silly Cat this is Bear for those of you that have never meet him. http://flickr.com/photos/kewidoll/359776323/
Friday I get to take miss Ruby to the vets this should be fun.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Happy Friday!

For you parents out there do any of you have baby that hates the car? Nolan screams whenever we get in the car. How do any if you deal with this? When I have errands to run that are in Portland with a screaming baby means they don't get done.
Some day I would like to leave the house.

I'm leaving the house tomorrow with or without Brian. hmm what should I do with this freedom? well for one I need to get some nipple balm for Erin's baby shower gift.

What age does it cost for a baby to fly? October Nolan and I are heading to California to see family and have Jada's 5th birthday.

Here is a family picture of us taken Monday http://flickr.com/photos/dawt/857089188/

oh do any of you co sleep? Right now we do well at least part time. He starts in his bed. Then we finish in our bed after first wake up we nurse in bed.

those of you that baby wear an use wraps what is your favorite kind? I really want a wrap not sure what kind.I have a mei tai and love it the RS and I don't get along right now.

wow lots of questions.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Originally uploaded by kewidoll
New SOS diaper with ships on it. I spent more then normal on this cute one size diaper. oh well I had extra PP so why not.

man I'm being a posting whore today. thats what happens when you sit on the couch all day nursing with the laptop.

looking cute

looking cute
Originally uploaded by kewidoll

took this the other day. Please don't mind the ugly couch it came with Brian. Sadly haven't been able too make it leave.

Not happy

With the hot weather Nolan is having a hard time sleeping. I can't take this any more the whole day with him. Then spending hours trying to get him to sleep. Ugh I feel like a only parent when I'm not. I have a wonderful husband yet I do all of the parenting. Most of it has to do with Nolan only wanting me. and Brian finishing school. I need a moment to myself even if only i can pee by myself.

sleeping we have the no cry book yet haven't had a chance to read it. all he wan'ts to do is nurse and sleep. I think we are in a growth spurt.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Thunder storms

First because Kristi asked here is a link to see Nolan's photos. http://flickr.com/photos/dawt/sets/72157600207385454/
Because I killed my camera sad I know. Tried to make it swim when my water spilled in my hand bag. These are on Brian's flickr account.
Sorry it has taken me a bit.
My supply issue is getting better turns out a lot of it was due to stress. Brian has been pushing formula on me. I have brewers yeast that I should add to my oatmeal. I also have mothers milk tea that is good on ice.

The whole reason for this post was the thunder storm we had last night. I love storms for no real reason just that I do. The rain hitting the roof is a great sound to fall asleep too. Oh the fresh smell after the rain how every thing is clean.

I'm getting better at this stay at home mom thing. Sadly my wax pot has a huge layer of dust on it. I miss waxing people pulling that unwanted hair out.
I know things will get better as he gets older and we meet more mommies.
Next weeks goal find a bible study for mom's or just one I like. Take more walks Nolan does not like the stroller must fix that.

Monday, July 2, 2007

A few things

So first off I'm not sure if I am cut out to be a stay at home mom. I know Nolan is only 7 weeks old but, I want to go back to work. I love him more then anything else in life I just can't be at home all day. There are days when all he does is cry this in turn makes me cry. I know its going to be hard but ugh....

Cloth Diapering is going well we still don't have enough for a full day. We are using sposies at night while we work on building our stash. That and we change him when we nurse at night makes for a happy baby.

Saturday we went to dinner alone while Nolan stayed with Brian's sister. He did a really good job staying with her.
we have been having a supply issue so I have been pumping and eating lots of oats. I hate supplementing with formal since its nasty stuff. Sadly we had to do it twice so far granted just an oz.