Friday, July 20, 2007

Happy Friday!

For you parents out there do any of you have baby that hates the car? Nolan screams whenever we get in the car. How do any if you deal with this? When I have errands to run that are in Portland with a screaming baby means they don't get done.
Some day I would like to leave the house.

I'm leaving the house tomorrow with or without Brian. hmm what should I do with this freedom? well for one I need to get some nipple balm for Erin's baby shower gift.

What age does it cost for a baby to fly? October Nolan and I are heading to California to see family and have Jada's 5th birthday.

Here is a family picture of us taken Monday

oh do any of you co sleep? Right now we do well at least part time. He starts in his bed. Then we finish in our bed after first wake up we nurse in bed.

those of you that baby wear an use wraps what is your favorite kind? I really want a wrap not sure what kind.I have a mei tai and love it the RS and I don't get along right now.

wow lots of questions.


Shalisa said...

Nolan is just so adorable! And the newest picture I see so much Brian in him. So cute.

We did the same thing with Maddie that you're doing with Nolan for sleep. Maddie ate frequently through the night for a long time. Until she was about 5 months I pulled her in bed with us at about the 2am feeding or so. At about month 6 she thought our bed meant playtime, so it didn't work past that. And she sleeps fine in her own bed now. I think that whatever is comfortable for you and your family is the way it should be for you. I read the no cry sleep solution, and I found the tips helpful, but it was not a "solution" for us. I then went on to read Sear's info on sleep and also the Baby Whisper's book, the pick up put down method one. We used the pick up put down, but ultimately it was too time consuming for us, and I ended up feeding her till about 11 months cause it was quick, and after that, she just was good about sleeping. I've heard if you can stick to the pick up put down though that it works with young babies. But it can take hours...night after night...

You may find a stretchy wrap, such as the moby as it's pretty inexpensive as wraps go, useful. It's best to get yourself wrapped up, and you can pop baby in and out. Have you considered a carrier such as the Ergo? I know they are really expensive, but sometimes they run a clearance, or ebay. Haven't tried it, but if you like your mei tai, I think you'd really like it, and I think it's probably even easier on and off, plus you can use it on the hip. I made myself a mei tai that is like the maya tai kinda, the straps are really wide and quite long, don't know how yours are. I only used it for back carries, and I don't use it anymore cause our back frame carrier is just so much more comfortable. I've always wanted an Ergo though.

We're coming down next week. We are planning to meet you on Sunday. I can help you with the RS if you like.

kristi said...

I love the new picture!
Judah also hated riding in the car for the first few months. Other people would talk about their babies falling asleep in the car, but mine would just scream. I was insanely jealous! I thought I was doomed to stay home. But it did get better. I don't even know when, it just seemed to happen gradually. Now he is really good in the car, and if he starts to fuss we have his favorite Veggie tales cd to pop in and he is happy again.
We never really co slept. I would bring Judah into bed after Justin left in the mornings because it insured he would sleep in later. And the few random times he had really rough nights he would sleep with me. Justin will sleep through anything, so we were always afraid he would roll onto Judah and not know, so that is a huge reason why we chose not to co sleep.
I have a ring sling that Shalisa made for me, and I LOVE it! It is one of my most prized baby items. I have never tried any other wraps, I have looked at some of the ones that are just one piece of fabric. (Sorry I don't know what they are called.) I have thought about getting one like that, but haven't wanted to spend the money. :)
I think if you hold him on your lap then you won't have to pay anything for him to fly.