Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I want to edit the previous post.

I have no problem with parents that chose to use formal. I just don't like it being pushed on me. I don't see it as the great problem solver. For now we have fit in some extra feedings with formula and EBM.

Other then that this week has been slow. Monday I spent some time with my friend Sarah that was nice. Last night we went to Baskin Robbins for dollar cone night.


Steddie said...

And I found yoooooou!

I'm keeping you in my thoughts. Keep your head up. You're a wonderful mother. :)

Yeah, IBS sucks. Urgh.

kristi said...

I ended up formula feeding Judah. It wasn't the plan, but in the middle of the night when he was crying, I was crying and he had already nursed for an hour and a half...I choose to do the formula. For me it wasn't a bonding experience because it was so difficult every-time. I pumped for awhile, but my supply couldn't keep up with him. Judah is a healthy one year old. So, just be assured that formula isn't the end of the world. :)

(i am planning on breastfeeding the next one, i think judah just really needed to suck for comfort, he wasn't really hungry. as a 2nd time mom, i think i know better what to expect and that pacifiers are okay before the recommended 6 weeks.)