Saturday, November 22, 2008


We are home from Las Vegas tired with money in our pockets. The whole reason for the trip was to see Justin and Jenn get married. The wedding was very sweet and little. Brian and I were the only non family members. The hotel TI is very nice the food was to die for.
We didn't do a whole lot since we don't gamble or drink. We did play the slots once lost 3 dollars okay with that.
We ended up making 15$ each while there. Since we had no pressing plans we watched a tv pilot. the show stank but hey we got money to tell them that.
We also hit up the bakery JJ Boulangerie in The Paris Hotel. They have to melt in your mouth goodies. We ate there 2 years ago for R's wedding.

I don't think we will ever hit up Vegas again. That city is just not for us.

Now I would love to see a Cirque du soleil show but those cost too much. I will have to wait for them to come back to OR.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

My company had a conference in vegas when I was 7 months pregnant. We all went to see the Beatles Love Cirque show, it was awesome! I'd like to go back when I can actually see more stuff, since I was working and too pregnant to walk five hundred miles to see everything I wanted.