Thursday, January 8, 2009


I have a question and need some help with something.
Alright the lady across the street has a 12month old little girl. When ever we see them she say's she has clothes and baby items for me if we have a girl.
Well I am all for hand me downs but, They smoke. Now clothes can be washed a few times. She has other items like a car seat and stroller. We are not big on hand me down car seats even if never used.
How do I say thank you but no thank you? I don't want to hurt her feelings but smoke is nasty and around my baby I think not.

Also some good double strollers 2 1)I want a light weight one for around town. 2) a jogger for when we go off road or to the nature park.

thank you


Jamie said...

I would lie...because I don't know how to say, you're stuff stinks and I don't want it. Come up with something, like, oh we have that, or so and so already gave us one of those. In terms of clothes, say you've been offered/given a lot of clothes from friends, and need to do an inventory before you take anymore because you're running out of room and only have room for necessities. Most people would understand that. You can also remind her that if she donate the clothes to a shelter or something she'll get a tax break, no tax breaks come from donating clothes to the Dickmans.

Jen said...

i'd tell her you have so much stuff already & more coming from relatives that you've run out of space, but neighborhood house likely needs stuff, or the battered women's shelters